Choosing Leadsun India Solar Lights Means NO RISK

No risk with Leadsun solar lights

Are you responsible for a quality facility? Such as a business building, office complex, industrial or factory outside space, depot, harbour, port or terminal, shopping mail, hotel or resort complex, park or reserve? if yes please consider an evolution in your outside space lighting…

There is no risk, with Leadsun solar lights, they are a new generation of high-quality technology. They will come on every day, every day! for years and years because that is simply what Leadsun lights do, in Australia, Israel and the USA, the sun goes down and the lights come on wonderfully lighting your public spaces and NEVER a POWER OUTAGE and no more electricity costs!

With a life expectancy of 20 years further extended by spare parts stocked in Bengaluru the ROI is easy to prove.

Quality solar public lighting from Leadsun India


If you are seriously interested, we are open to supply a light for a potential new installation or to replace one of your existing lights so you can see and prove the quality for yourself – Interested? Click here to send us details or DM us on LinkedIn Click here

Please forget what you think you know about old low quality solar lights, this really is a new era of quality sustainable public lighting…

Residential solar public lighting from Leadsun India

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